Friday, 3 March 2017

Shake Rattle And Roll

    Image result for roll

Some things will shake you to your core. Some things need to have a bit of a shake up for you to finally realize what is good in your life and what is bad. Some people will rattle you and it's only when you take a step back that you realize, some people are just bad for your health. When angry, the truth comes out, how you truly feel comes out. Some of it will make heads roll. In losing 'friends' and gaining 'friends', it really rattled me and it was the shake up I needed.

Some things you can cop on the chin but stepping back you realize what you got you didn't want, what I got I didn't deserve. What I do deserve is to take a step forward and move on. Roll with the punches that life has given me. Fall down six times, get up seven.

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