Sunday, 30 April 2017

New Horizons, New Things To See And Do And An Even Bigger Bucket List.

Mirror cartoons, Mirror cartoon, funny, Mirror picture, Mirror pictures, Mirror image, Mirror images, Mirror illustration, Mirror illustrations

In a way, my whole life, I have been self reflective. I have reflected on everything. Some things I have handled well and others, not so.

Often times, I have been told to live in the real world. I happen to think that the real world can be a dark, callous and heartless place to live in.

When I think about living in my own mind and not in the real world, well, that can be a brutal place to live as well.

Looking back, I am partly proud of the person I see when I look in the mirror and other times I see myself as a 'work in progress'.

Mirror on the wall
I'll always get up after I fall
And whether I have to run, walk or crawl,
I'll set my goals and achieve them all.

X Peace and Blessings everyone and above all else.....

Don't stop being you.
Dr. Seuss Dr Seuss,

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

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