Friday, 20 May 2016

Alter Ego vs Alter Ego.

Image result for picture of female fighting alter egos

noun: ego; plural noun: egos
  1. a person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance.

    "he needed a boost to his ego"

    • Psychoanalysis
      the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity.
    • Philosophy
      (in metaphysics) a conscious thinking subject.
      In order to get by some days, I knew that my attitude had to change. I'm the only one living my life, everyone else is merely a part of the journey and its not their job to drag me along and get me through my life.
      I have never credited myself to being up myself. My self esteem can be at an all time high when I am being complimented. The truth is, no one is around 24/7 and it's not their job to keep me going just to give me a boost. I need to feel that self worth and give myself self-respect and self confidence. No one else can do that for me.  Consciously, I need to think and know that I alone am enough. This starts with me finding myself and my own worth.

      Finding who I truly am and being ok with that even if others aren't is their problem, no one else can do that for them. In altering how I react to other people's egos and ideals and realizing that isn't how I behave, not what I want and not how I think, it may mean I have to change my circle about 100 million more times throughout this lifetime, but people that are ok with me, and with me being ok with that, I know I will be OK.

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