Monday, 6 March 2017

Twelve Months Gone By Off Course Of Course, I Can See Clearly Now

A lot has happened in the last twelve months, a lot I am sooooo proud of. Admittedly, I haven't been blogging as much as I should or could be. When I am in a negative mind set I refuse to write. I can safely say that I have so many positive people around me. They are few and far between, but I am HAPPY. When on an even keel, you think everything is going well and then the odd bad day, really good, GREAT, bad, back to just ok.... We never really know what we are going to get. We don't know what to expect. EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED.

I can see clearly now the rain has gone, I can see all obstacles in my way. Before I would have tripped over these obstacles, events I became anxious about, people whose opinion I validated more than my own. This caused many a tear, many anxious days and nights and as I said in previous posts, I was sad, angry and am now realizing that people wouldn't have given my thoughts a second thought. I deserve to be happy, and if nothing else, happiness is what I want to strive for.

Look all around, there's nothing but blue skiesImage result for clouds
Look straight ahead, nothing but blue skies
I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Here is the rainbow I've been praying for
It's gonna be a bright, bright, bright shiny day

It's gonna be a bright, bright, bright shiny day

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